Shot Blast Machine

Transformative Surface Enhancement for Concrete Products

The Shot Blast Machine is a well-known method for enhancing the value of concrete products, utilizing turbines to accelerate steel shot material. The product surface is hit with the steel shot material, exposing the face mix grain, and creating a mature, sophisticated look. The KBH Shot Blast Machine stands out for its adaptability, allowing for a wide range of recipe-controlled adjustments such as turbine rotation speed, belt speed (both VFD controlled), and electro-controlled abrasive flow. Offering versatility in steel shot material usage, KBH Shot Blast Machines, with their special tool-less blade change turbines, ensure a homogeneous flow for consistently blasted product surfaces.

Shot Blast Machine
Quick Facts
  • Method: Shot blasting with turbines using steel shot material
  • Enhancement: Exposes face mix grain for a mature appearance
  • Versatility: Wide range of steel shot materials supported
  • Turbine Design: Special tool-less blade changes for a homogeneous shot flow
  • Cost Efficiency: Lowest operational costs with a multi-functional design
  • Throughput Options: Different operation width options available based on requested throughput
Working Principle

The Shot Blast Machine utilizes turbines to propel steel shot material onto the product surface, revealing the face mix grain and imparting a mature aesthetic. This machine's adaptability shines through its recipe-controlled adjustments, allowing customization of turbine and belt speed, as well as electro-controlled abrasive flow. The special turbines, featuring tool-less blade change, ensure a consistent and homogeneous shot flow for uniformly blasted product surfaces. Multiple turbines extend the functionality, enabling treatment of a broad product range, including a reverse operation for step stones' front and rear side blasting.

Why Choose KBH Shot Blast Machine
  • Adaptable design for diverse recipe-controlled adjustments
  • Special turbines with tool-less blade change for homogeneous shot flow
  • Multiple turbines for versatile product treatment
  • Cost-efficient operations and lowest operational costs
  • Different operation width options for varying throughput requirements
Granite blend shot blasted
Granite blend shot blasted
Bright porphyry shot blasted
Bright porphyry shot blasted

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